Minister of Electricity Adebayo Adelabu on Monday briefed President Bola Tinubu on the power outage in many parts of northern Nigeria for more than a week.
Mr Adelabu said he had spoken to the President about the cause of the problem.
“We discussed the root cause of this and it was basically due to the destruction of the Shiroro-Kaduna line, which is the main transmission line that supplies electricity to the north,” he said.
The Minister confirmed that the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) had identified the problem and that its engineers were already working to resolve the issue.
“They have already started to fix this line. What they have asked for and what is now being provided is through the Chief of Army Staff and Chief of Air Staff to be able to recover the damaged land. “National Security Adviser. And we are optimistic that this will be fully restored in the near future,” he said.
Adelabu’s statement confirms TCN’s previous statement that it had received safety guarantees to proceed with repairs.
PREMIUM TIMES reports that some of the locations where the attacks occurred are communities where armed robbers operate. Bandits routinely kill and kidnap residents and travelers of such communities.
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Briefing reporters after meeting with the president, Mr. Adelabu said the long-term solution to supplying electricity to northern Nigeria is to install solar power plants in the region.
“We believe that the most effective way to provide uninterrupted, functional, stable and reliable electricity to northern Nigeria is through a distributed power model that incorporates electricity utilities, solar scale and solar sources in each state of the north. ”I believe in taking advantage of it,” he said.
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