Ovie OMO-AGEGE, former chairman and APC candidate in the 2023 Delta Erase, have declared the possibility of Governor Delta, Sheriff Oborebuwari and former Governor IFEEANYI OKOWA. It is not welcomed at a party.
In a meeting with APC leaders, elders, and stakeholders in local government areas of IKA South and IKA NORTH EAST, OMO-AGEGE is a Delta ruling party and continues to gain momentum. I declared that it was.
Despite the PDP claim that APC has lost its relevance in Delta, the party has secured two Senate seats, two lower house seats, and gains more asylum from PDP members. He said he was riding.
“After the 2023 election, PDP spread fake propaganda, claiming that APC no longer exists in the delta, but this is a state where APC has won two Senate seats and two representatives.
“Today, the only member of the PDP Senator is planning to participate in the APC, but are you not on the ground yet? Are you not a number of parties?” 。
He further focuses that in the Delta Chuo Senate area, where both him and Governor Oborebuwai were born, the APC won two of the three houses in three representatives and the Labor Party won one. did. PDP did not win anything.
“Among the nine Delta Central Congress seats, APCs have secured five and PDP gained 4, so which parties are really popular?” He added.
Despite welcoming other PDP readers, OMO-AGEGE has eliminated the possibility of accepting Governor OBOREVWORI and former Governor Okowa to APC.
“We welcome everyone other than OBOREVWORI and OKOWA. They need to stay on PDP and rebuild the party.
“We have built this party from zero. We do not allow people with suspicious records to destroy what we worked hard.”
Former Chairman of the House of Representatives also guaranteed to APC members that the internal tasks within the party were resolved before the general election in 2027. He argued that the national crisis in the PDP would make the opposition parties involved by the next election cycle.
“We need to stop focusing on internal problems and use PDP’s bigger problems instead. Are you convinced that PDP still exists in 2027? Their national level. The crisis is getting worse.
“Our focus should be to win the next election and re -elect President Bora Tinbu.”
OMO-AGEGE has revealed that more PDPs are set to participate in the APC, and three PDP representatives and several members of the parliament are already preparing for flaws. I focused on that.
“There are three Senior Representatives right away. I know that three members of the three PDP representatives are participating in the APC. Some members of the parliament will also participate.”
He claimed that the Governor of the Governor Oboreev Way had suppressed his members of the parliament, which urged many of them to consider exile.
“The Governor of Governor OBOREVWORI punishes Delta Council. I can’t even talk as a member.
“So they are all coming, and we welcome them. The only two welcomed two are the Governor’s Security Officer and Okowa. They need to stay on the PDP and build a party. “
On the other hand, APC NATIONAL PUBLICITY SECRETARY, BARR. Felix Marka has guaranteed a member of the APC’s national chairman and other major stakeholders to resolve the internal dispute in the Delta APC branch before the next election.
Several party leaders who talked at events including hons. Fada Ibde, Chief Stephenson Ikpade, Chief Sunny Chocks Obuse, Hong. Fred ofume, PST. Paul Ebede, Lady Philomena Agholor, Dr. Goddyibeh, dr. CHAMBERLAINDUNKWU, MR. Godwinogadi and BARR. Eugene Usm emphasized the need for true reconciliation to strengthen APC more than 2027.