CNN has banned a conservative commentator from the network for joking about left-handed Muslim commentator Mehdi Hasan during a brief exchange on “CNN NewsNight with Abby Phillip.”
It started when guest panelist Ryan Gardusky pointed out that Hasan had been called an anti-Semite. Hasan said he was “used to” the label as he is a vocal supporter of Palestinians.
Conservative commentator Ryan Gardusky (right), after speaking in support of the Palestinians on an episode of “CNN NewsNight with Abby Phillip,” criticized fellow panelist Mehdi Hasan’s “hope the buzzer doesn’t go off.” He made this comment and drew anger. CNN
“Well, I hope the buzzer doesn’t go off,” Gardusky said. This is an apparent reference to Israel’s coordinated attack on Hezbollah last month, in which thousands of pagers used by Lebanese terrorists exploded simultaneously.
Shocked by this statement, Mehdi asks Gardusky if he means he should be killed. CNN
The comment drew immediate condemnation from other panelists, with Mehdi sharply asking, “Did you just say I should die?”
As the discussion escalated, moderator Abby Phillip tried to stop the panelists. Mehdi again accused Gardusky of threatening him: “Did I tell you you should kill me on CNN?”
Mr. Gardusky appeared to back down and asked if Mr. Mehdi had said he supported Hamas. The British-American journalist replied that “of course” he did not support Hamas.
Mr. Gardusky responded, “Then I apologize.”
The apology made things even worse, with Phillippe and other guests slamming Gardusky’s “disgusting” and “racist” comments.
Within hours of the scene, CNN issued a statement condemning Gardusky.
The commission was furious, labeling Gardusky’s comments “racist” and “disgusting.”
“Racism and bigotry have no place on CNN or our broadcasts,” the statement said in part, adding that the network “promotes thoughtful conversation and debate” between people with differing views. It has been pointed out that the purpose is to “do.”
“However, we will not tolerate degrading our guests or crossing the line of decorum, and Mr. Ryan Gardusky will not be welcome back on our network.”
Mr. Gardusky, who has written for publications such as American Conservative Magazine, accused the network of ousting Mr.
“You can stay on CNN if you falsely call all Republicans Nazis and take money from Qatar-funded media outlets.” he wrote in a veiled reference to Mr. Mehdi’s media startup.Zeteo receives funding from Middle Eastern governments, a claim he has repeatedly denied.
“Apparently, you can’t get on CNN if you tell a joke. I’m glad America can see what CNN stands for.”
Mehdi, who was born in Britain to parents who immigrated from India, has written or contributed to left-wing media outlets including Al Jazeera and MSNBC.
Last year, he was accused of plagiarizing a column he wrote more than 20 years ago in support of spanking children, and in 2019 he was accused of plagiarizing a column he wrote in support of spanking children, and in 2019 he was accused of plagiarizing a column he wrote in support of spanking children, and in 2019 he was accused of plagiarizing a column he wrote in support of spanking children, and in 2019 he accused commentators of calling groups like non-Muslims and atheists “cows.” He apologized when records of an old blog that compared it to him were leaked.