Kano South Senator Kawu Sumaila alleged that many members of the National Assembly were involved in drug abuse while discharging their official duties.
Mr. Sumaila said this in Tuesday’s plenary session while contributing to the discussion on the bill to establish the National Institute of Drug Awareness and Rehabilitation.
The senator specifically said that most of his colleagues have hard drugs in their possession and keep them in their constituency offices and homes.
He also claimed that the majority of senators have ties to drug dealers.
“As I speak now, most of our offices in our constituencies, most of our political offices in our constituencies, most of our homes, you can go there. And you’ll see that there are tons of drugs and drug dealers, both in our offices and in our homes. It’s all in our homes,” he said.
Sumaila, a member of the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP), said he also knows of some senior politicians who are supporting drug dealers in their illegal businesses.
“Here are some political leaders who are contributing and supporting drug abusers in Nigeria in various ways.Therefore, Mr. President, we need to get serious.
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“If we are talking, we need to understand that we are all one here. We need to fight it from our own side. We need to take it seriously. To the test Let’s go and see who’s who’s not,” he said.
Encourage drug abuse during campaigns
Sumaila dared his colleagues to swear on the Koran and the Bible that he would not encourage drug abuse during the election campaign.
“Let us ask ourselves what we are doing to the so-called young people during our election campaigns. People who can use the Quran or the Bible to swear that they are not supporting drug abusers in their constituency in any way. How many are there?
“I hope we can all take a pledge from the Holy Quran that we will never support drug abusers or encourage the youth of our constituencies to take drugs for political reasons,” he added. .
Take a drug test before the election
The senator also recommended drug testing for politicians before running for office and holding political office.
“And what we need, Mr. President, is before we go to an election or before we go to any debate within the government, whether this bill allows for the continued existence of government agencies or strengthens the NDLEA. At the government level, you have to undergo a drug test.”
cooperation is required
The senator said the country will not be able to achieve the essence of the bill unless the Senate works with stakeholders to curb drug abuse in the country.
“Mr. President, there is one aspect that we need to consider. Whether we create this agency or strengthen the work of the NDLEA, we need to do something. As leaders of this country, as stakeholders, we have a lot to do.
Related article: Nigerian authorities intercept hard drugs from US, arrest suspect – Official
“We all believe that drug-related abuse and drug abuse are religiously prohibited, whether in Islam or Christianity or in our traditional religions. Are you supporting that?
“Mr. President, unless we all collectively agree with the relevant stakeholders to stop drug abuse in Nigeria, we will not achieve the results and achieve the intent of this bill.” We can’t,” Sumaila added.
In response, Senate Vice President Barau Jibrin, who presided over the plenary session, ruled that Sumaila was disqualified, saying the comments were unrelated to the discussion of the bill.
“Order 56. Discussion on motions, bills, and amendments shall relate to the motion in question.
“While we speak or contribute, our contributions must be related to the subject matter. In this case, your post is irrelevant to the subject matter. Therefore, I am We will have good governance,” said the Deputy Senate President, who represents Kano North.
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