Nigeria and other West African countries plan to introduce a unified documentation system for drivers and vehicles across the sub-region under the Local Vehicle Management Information System.
The move was announced by the Federal Road Safety Corps Marshal, Shehu Mohammed, during an inter-agency cooperation workshop in Abuja on Tuesday, Punch reported.
Mr. Mohammed, who was represented by Deputy Commandant General Clement Oladele, said the initiative would be carried out in partnership with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) through the West African Road Safety Authority.
He said that the introduction of a unified driver’s license and vehicle registration system will have benefits such as eliminating multiple registrations and strengthening enforcement of traffic violations.
“FRSC, through the West African Road Safety Authority, is partnering with ECOWAS to introduce a unified licensing system called the Regional Vehicle Management Information System.
“This initiative aims to create common driving licenses, vehicle license plates and documents across West Africa, as well as to crack down on traffic violations and generate critical data.
“Once fully implemented, this system will facilitate seamless vehicle registration in West Africa and enhance the free movement of vehicles, people, goods and services, as enshrined in the ECOWAS Protocol on Free Movement. It turns out.
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“It will also help prevent multiple registrations and reduce vehicle theft within the ECOWAS subregion. Under the auspices of ECOWAS, FRSC will work with members of WASO to install weatherproof solid acrylic on vehicles. We are working on developing digital number plates and vehicle details.”
“These initiatives aim to link national driving licenses to the holders’ bank accounts, whose details will not only act as debit cards but also be shared with the banking sector to strengthen highway enforcement. It is also consistent with FRSC’s grand strategy of partnering,” he said.
The official did not say when the plan would be implemented.
PREMIUM TIMES reported that Nigeria, West Africa’s most populous country and largest economy, is expected to pursue such policies.
Related article: ECOWAS Court gets new leadership
The policy is expected to further promote integration in West Africa, although many observers hope it does not go down the same path as the proposed ECOWAS single currency, Eco. , its implementation has experienced multiple setbacks over the years.
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