The most important resource for any organization or nation is human capital, or people. Therefore, it makes sense that organizations and nations that want success and productivity invest in human resources. The organization makes sure its staff are equipped and provided with the best tools to increase their chances of success. The most fundamental of these investments is to ensure that our staff and citizens are healthy and fit for purpose.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.” Health, therefore, can be conceptualized as a chair that sits on three legs: the physical leg, the mental leg, and the social leg. Are we focusing on any of these three aspects of health in Nigeria?
current reality
We are failing abjectly in every area of national public health, from promotion to prevention, early detection and treatment, and finally rehabilitation. This is especially true for mental and social well-being, with only marginal improvements in the area of physical health (but still failures).
One in four Nigerians is at risk of experiencing a mental health problem at some point in their life. That means at least 50 million Nigerians are at risk. Given that every family has at least four members, it also means that every family is at risk for at least one family member experiencing a mental health problem at some point in their life. These numbers are remarkable.
Drug abuse is rampant, happening in every motor park and road junction, and openly so. However, we are surprised by tragic road accidents and reckless motorcycle riders. Anxiety is widespread. Attacks by kidnappings and armed robberies, unemployment is high, infrastructure is poor, and the minds of young people seem to be obsessed with instant wealth without work, which leads to “Yahoo” (internet fraud) and other crimes. connected to. But our politicians fail to understand the clear and present danger and the urgent need to inspire hope and chart a clear path to progress. Are they that out of touch with reality?
Harsh socio-economic realities and increases in depression and suicidal behavior are cause for concern. The WHO estimates globally that one suicide occurs every 40 seconds worldwide. And every two seconds, someone somewhere tries to take their own life. Suicide and suicide attempt rates are also increasingly high in Nigeria. We also know that depression is the underlying trigger in most cases.
The crime of neglecting mental health in Nigeria
Ignorance, shame and stigma remain major barriers to accessing mental health services. It is unfortunate that mental health continues to be ignored by governments at the federal and state levels, as cases of mental illness, substance abuse, and suicide rise amidst widespread despair, poverty, and social hardship. The revised Mental Health Policy 2023 does not yet include a mental health plan to guide implementation. The obvious fear is around the lack of implementation of previous mental health policies (1991 and 2013).
Although mental health programs exist at the federal level, they remain far from the Department of Mental Health recommended by the Mental Health Act of 2021. But only a handful of states have mental health personnel. Without administrative and organizational structures to promote mental health, it is uncertain whether significant progress can be made despite the strong dedication of the current staff of FMOH’s mental health programs.
call to action
Attempting suicide remains a crime, punishable by one year in prison under both the Nigerian Penal Code and the Penal Code. This is clearly wrong and needs to be changed. The National Suicide Prevention Advocacy Coalition is pushing for the decriminalization of attempted suicide and will hold a national conference in Abuja on October 10, 2024 to improve public relations among stakeholders. The Asido Foundation (www.asidofoundation.com) is a key partner of this coalition and additional information regarding attendance (physical or virtual) can be found on its website. Pick a date and support the call to decriminalize suicide attempts. They need care and treatment, not punishment.
As we approach the 64th anniversary of our nation’s founding, we face many challenges, but they are not insurmountable. All that is needed is a conscious and strategic campaign to change awareness and attitudes for the better. Through social reengineering. Nation building can never be an accident. It must be planned and calculated, with a focus on investing in a healthy population. And optimal mental health must necessarily be a central consideration. Our best resource is our people. And you need to be healthy to achieve optimal productivity. Remember that good health includes physical, mental, and social well-being. There is no health without mental health.
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