Six new cases of MPOX were confirmed in Nigeria, and there were no deaths reported across the federation in the 40th week from September 29 to October 6.
The NCDC disclosed this in an updated situation report posted on its website on Monday, noting that confirmed cases have decreased from 10 in the 39th week to six in the reporting week.
“In week 39 of 2024, 10 confirmed cases were reported while in week 40, six confirmed cases were reported,” the NCDC noted.
According to the report, at least one case has been confirmed in 25 states and 63 local government areas (LGAs) of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) this year.
Mpox is an acute illness that usually begins with fever, severe headache, swollen lymph nodes, back pain, muscle aches, and extreme fatigue.
A characteristic rash follows, often starting on the face and gradually spreading to other parts of the body, sometimes appearing on the soles of the feet and palms.
According to the report, since September 2017, a total of 5,114 suspected cases have been reported in Nigeria, of which 1,180 were confirmed positive, accounting for 23.1%.
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It was announced that the death toll remains at 17.
Geographically, the disease has spread widely across the country, affecting all 36 states and the FCT, indicating its widespread distribution.
Response activities
NCDC said it is actively coordinating the response to the mpox outbreak through the National Mpox multi-sector and multi-partner Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
The company said the collaboration involves a variety of stakeholders to ensure a comprehensive approach.
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The report states that this response will include monitoring and reporting suspected and confirmed cases nationwide, providing guidance and support for case management, conducting public awareness campaigns, and collaborating with state governments, health agencies, and partners. It added that it would be included.
The public is advised to call the NCDC toll-free to report any suspected cases, adding that by leveraging its expertise and resources, it aims to reduce the spread of MPOX and protect the health of Nigerians. Ta.
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