The federal government secured $1.57 billion from the World Bank to implement three projects. The bank’s Nigeria office disclosed this in Abuja yesterday, saying the facility will support Nigeria in addressing governance challenges in education and health, improving primary health services, and through strengthening dam safety and irrigation infrastructure. It said it was aimed at supporting adaptation to climate change.
The financing package includes $1.5 billion in loans and $70 million in grants to support a wide range of initiatives to tackle poverty and increase productivity while improving key sectors such as education, health care and water management. The World Bank said it is part of the World Bank.
According to the breakdown, the HOPE-GOV program will receive $500 million to improve governance in the education and health sectors. The program is designed to address the fundamental financial and human resources management issues that impede service delivery.
It also revealed that $570 million has been allocated to the Primary Health Care Delivery Enhancement Program (HOPE-PHC), a vital initiative to improve Nigeria’s health system.
The program focuses on reducing maternal and under-five mortality rates and strengthening the resilience of Nigeria’s health infrastructure. HOPE-PHC provides quality reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health services.
A total of 40 million Nigerians, especially those living in underserved areas, are expected to benefit from the program. This effort is funded by a $500 million International Development Association (IDA) credit and an additional $70 million grant from the Global Financing Facility (GFF).
This fund will help fill gaps in primary health care funding while supporting sustainable financing for family planning. Another $500 million will be allocated to the Sustainable Power and Irrigation Project for Nigeria (SPIN), which aims to protect Nigeria from climate-induced challenges such as floods and droughts.
The SPIN program will benefit approximately 950,000 people, including farmers and livestock farmers, through strengthened dam safety measures, improved water resource management, and expanded irrigation services.
The project is expected to help improve Nigeria’s agricultural productivity through a more reliable and efficient irrigation system. SPIN also includes plans to develop a hydropower master plan, with a focus on promoting energy production through public-private partnerships.
Dr. Ndiame Diop, World Bank Country Director for Nigeria, said investing in the health and education of Nigerians is critical to future employment opportunities, increased productivity and poverty reduction.
He stressed that the new financing will address critical challenges faced by Nigerians, especially women and girls, in accessing quality health care and services.
“Effective investment in the health and education of Nigerians today is central to increasing future employment opportunities, productivity and incomes while reducing poverty among the most vulnerable. This new financing for capital and primary health care will not only help address the complex challenges faced by Nigerians, especially women and girls, in terms of access and quality of services, but also account for these challenges. It also helps address governance arrangements.
“The SPIN program is timely and will protect Nigerians from floods and droughts in the implementation areas and enable increased hydropower generation. The direct positive impact this project will have on people and livelihoods is immeasurable. “The World Bank is pleased to work with governments and other stakeholders to implement this program,” he said.
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