Nigeria’s newly appointed Minister of Women Affairs and Social Development, Imaan Sulaiman-Ibrahim, has been sworn in and delivered an inaugural address outlining her vision to achieve gender equality in Nigeria.
Sulaiman-Ibrahim spoke on Monday at the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs in Abuja on the ministry’s plans to close gender disparities and promote equal opportunities in Nigeria.
The former police minister was reappointed when President Bola Tinubu reshuffled his cabinet, replacing former women’s minister Uju Kennedy-Ohaneye and four others.
“New era”
Mrs. Sulaiman-Ibrahim expressed gratitude to President Bola Tinubu for her appointment, saying that although women in Nigeria make up almost half of the country’s population, they still face significant social, economic and political barriers. He pointed out that he was facing.
She emphasized skills development, entrepreneurial support, employment opportunities and political participation as keys to achieving gender balance.
The ministry said it was determined to close the gender gap by “untangling deep-rooted discriminatory practices.”
decisive action
Mr. Sulaiman-Ibrahim said the department will take decisive action beyond law enforcement oversight to ensure the effective implementation of policies that protect vulnerable groups, including women, children and people with disabilities. He reiterated his determination.
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She said: “We are well aware that despite the roughly equal population of men and women in Nigeria, statistics reveal that jobs, appointments and electoral positions remain heavily skewed in favor of men.
“Currently, women hold less than 5 percent of elected positions nationally and less than 22 percent of senior leadership roles in the private sector. We are committed to increasing our efforts to close this gender inclusion gap by promoting equal opportunities for women.
“Our mission is driven by policies that support the advancement of women through education, vocational training, professional and leadership development. Only through these targeted actions can we achieve a fairer and more balanced Nigeria. We can create a workforce environment that is
He said that as a nation, our country has long affirmed its commitment to gender equality by ratifying important international treaties such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the African Union’s Maputo Protocol. .
“We have also adopted the ECOWAS Gender Policy. These frameworks are not just a formality; they are powerful instruments for social change,” she further stated.
“As we mark the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action and the 10th anniversary of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, and as 2025 approaches, we must take stock of our progress, learn from our steps, and recalibrate. We will strengthen our efforts by producing comprehensive country reports on our strategy. ”
Regarding specific goals to be achieved, the minister said his ministry will advocate for laws that empower women and ensure that their rights are protected.
He said he would work closely with parliamentarians and civil society organizations to repeal discriminatory laws.
On gender-based violence, he said he would work with the police and the Federal Ministry of Justice to ensure a strong and effective response to such incidents, adding that survivors would receive speedy and fair justice.
“We will expand social services, ensure equipment to support victims of violence, and work with partners to create safe spaces for those affected,” she said.
“We will continue to work with stakeholders to strengthen guidelines and procedures to protect children from abuse, trafficking and exploitation. The well-being of our children is always our top priority.”
She also said her tenure will ensure that women’s voices are heard and represented in all areas of governance, adding that Nigeria will become Africa’s leader in gender equality.
While he acknowledged the targets were “ambitious”, he urged Ministries, Ministries and Agencies (MDAs), the private sector, civil society and international partners to take action to avoid duplication and make the best use of resources. He called for efforts to be coordinated.
Mrs Sulaiman-Ibrahim also expressed her gratitude to her predecessor for her “valuable efforts” and “solid foundation”.
gender balance
Gender equality is an important issue in Nigeria’s patriarchal society.
Women contribute significantly to Nigerian politics, especially on election day, but there is a need to improve their representation in political and decision-making positions.
In his 2023 inaugural address, President Bola Tinubu pledged to feature women “prominently” in his government.
However, he achieved only 5% gender inclusion in his first year.
This is despite a landmark ruling two years ago that ordered the Nigerian government to implement a national gender policy that allocated 35 per cent of public sector appointments to women.
According to this policy, women’s empowerment and gender equality are fundamental human rights that are central to equitable development.
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