In a synod on the afternoon of October 24 with members of the “Group 5” working group, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, the Holy See’s prefect for the doctrine of the faith, explained why he did not take into account the decision on women priests. “Mature” doesn't mean closing off possibilities.
Written by Andrea Tornielli
An hour and a half of free, fraternal and frank dialogue took place during the Synod on Synodality in the Paul VI Hall on Thursday afternoon. The meeting was held in accordance with the cardinal’s initiative from last week, when the cardinal was absent due to the presence of two officials from the Department for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF), even though his absence had been announced in advance. There was some dissatisfaction. I had to attend due to a previous commitment.
On Thursday, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández participated in a meeting with around 100 synod participants, including members, guests and experts, listened to questions, received suggestions and announced the “Group” taking place at DDF. 5″ activities were evaluated. Addresses the issue of service possibilities for women.
The cardinals agreed with the participants of the meeting, chaired by the Synod’s Secretariat and Correspondent, Paolo Ruffini, to release an exceptionally complete audio recording of the Synod’s rules.
The article was therefore made available in Vatican News after the proposal to publish it was greeted with applause by the participants.
Listen to the complete audio recording of the conversation with Cardinal Fernández.
diplomat’s job
In the first part of the meeting, Cardinal Fernández encouraged the bishops as a whole to deepen the theme of the role of women and explore new possibilities for ministries dedicated to women, which had been specifically entrusted with this task even before the Synod. He explained how he is committed to doing so.
He then elaborated on how they work, starting with the consultants. That is, listening to the suggestions of a large group of women consultants, which in this case was expanded by soliciting opinions and listening to experience far beyond the official consultants of the dicastery. .
The Ordinary General Assembly of Cardinals and Bishops of the Diplomatic Secretariat has already been held twice (Feria Quarta, traditionally held on Wednesdays), and its work is being coordinated by Father Armando Matteo, Director of the Doctrine of the Diplomatic Secretariat. There is.
Experiences already in progress
Cardinal Fernández stressed that the synodal mode of work and the presence of bishops and cardinals from all over the world means that the Feria Quota’s work takes into account different sensitivities and cultures.
She also emphasized that Synod members are asked to consider the ongoing experience of women leading their communities, not only in the Amazon, but also in Africa and Asia, as well as to send in contributions and suggestions.
Precisely to emphasize the importance of starting from reality, that is, knowing and appreciating experiences already underway, perhaps unknown or little known to European theology.
Consultation papers will therefore continue to be sent to other people and institutions.
Recognize your role
The cardinal explained that the group’s fundamental objective is the role of women in the Church, and not specifically the possibility of a female diaconate, which is still being worked on by a committee chaired by Cardinal Giuseppe Petrocchi.
Cardinal Fernández said that while women want to be heard and valued, to have authority, and to develop charisma and competence, most women do not seek the office of deacon. In other words, he said, he was not seeking “clericalization.”
The job of the diplomatic service is therefore to take “very concrete” steps along this road in the meantime.
She believes that in order to entrust leadership roles in the church to lay people, and by extension to women, it is fundamental to explore the difference between divine command and authority, and that important consensus can be reached on this path. He said that.
The governor then asked a question. “If it turns out that in the past women have preached during the celebration of the Eucharist or exercised power without being ordained as deacons, perhaps this is less important?”
Diaconate, research continues
Cardinal Fernández went on to say that on the specific topics of the Diaconte, the committee headed by Cardinal Petrocchi will resume its work with more vigor and listen to the proposals of the Synod and others from around the world. said. Through the Synod Secretariat.
The cardinal recalled his speech in the Synod Hall, in which he summarized the Pope’s position on the issue. He said that Pope Francis’ statement that “the decision on Diacomte is not mature” does not mean that he wants to end the issue, but that he should continue research, taking into account that the conclusions of the committee’s work are not unambiguous. He emphasized that it meant
The governor also said that while some historians say there were instances in the past when women were ordained as deacons, others argue that it was more of a blessing than a true ordination.
specific steps
The Prefect of the Bishopric for the Doctrine of the Faith is confident that we can advance clear and concrete steps to empower women in the Church, starting by distinguishing between what is inseparable from the sacred command and what is not. He concluded by saying.
In closing, he called on those in attendance to open their hearts “to see where the Holy Spirit leads us.”