SIREN Music Supervisor Jen Moss shares her top two finds from Concord Label Group.
Little Rope by Sleater-Kinney
I am ashamed to say that I came to worship at Sleater-Kinney’s altar much later. My angsty teenage self would have been so energized by these badass women and their indifference given the infectious riot grrrl anthem that it’s pretty boned up. But baby Jen, just like adult Jen still is, was a very pop kid, and her girl power came with a decidedly spiced flavor (no shadow, I’m not a Spice)・I will always love Girls!)
So it wasn’t until I fell in love with Carrie Brownstein’s comedic performance in 2011’s Portlandia that I learned she was also a rock goddess. One of the opinions is, “You can’t have all the talent, it’s not fair!” people.
I really love this new record. In fact, I think this may be one of their best works ever. It’s a raw hymn, and its lyrical themes of sadness and social despair speak to me deeply, but there’s nothing moody about it. This is an ode to the power of letting go, realizing that letting go of control is the only way to survive this crazy world.
Plus, the music video for “Say It Like You Mean It” features the iconic J. Smith Cameron (Succession’s Jerry) doing some crazy sad lip-syncing and dancing to the track. happens to be one of my favorite ways to cope.
Pretty Hate Machine by Nine Inch Nails
Choosing the catalog release was really difficult because there was a lot of money in the crate. As SIREN’s resident movie geek, I almost chose Isaac Hayes’ “Shaft.” This song features one of the best movie theme songs of the same name of all time.
After all, as someone who found Luca Guadagnino’s “Challengers” all about his personality, thanks to Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross’ techno-driven score. I thought it might be interesting to listen to Nine Inch Nails’ 1989 debut song “Pretty Hate Machine” again.
I was immediately struck by how much the lyrics in “Head Like a Hole,” about “bowing down before those you serve,” resonated with Challengers. – get it? Because it’s like a tennis pun! Please don’t hate me.
All kidding aside, this is still one of the best debut albums of all time. A landmark release in industrial rock, it’s also a de facto synth pop record. Now, it’s nice to remember that he is one of the most popular film composers in this country. What a talented vocalist Reznor is. The quintessential rock star voice, in so many ways, but so unique and multifaceted. Tough and aggressive, but also nervous and vulnerable.
Games, Sets, Matches – Reznor.
If you would like to find out more or find out more about our repertoire, please contact us at labelsyncuk@concord.com.
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