March of the Living in the Southern United States is an international, multigenerational educational program that takes Jewish teens and adults to Poland, Germany, and Israel. The March of the Living is made possible by proceeds from the annual Kristallnacht commemoration program. (Courtesy of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County). To commemorate the 86th anniversary of Kristallnacht, music composed by Jewish artists who lost their lives in the Holocaust will be broadcast from 1pm on November 10th. The South Palm Beach County Southern Area and Jewish Federation march will feature Arnaud Sussman's “Voices of the Jews,” a moving musical performance by a third-generation Holocaust survivor.
As a highlight of the Federation’s annual Kristallnacht Commemoration Program (KCP), “Jewish Voices” features the music of composers whose lives and careers ended tragically during World War II. Performances will be held in Zinman Hall, 9901 Donna Klein Boulevard, and cost $25 per person, $18 for students. KCP donors of $180 or more will receive two tickets and be invited to a reception honoring local Holocaust survivors prior to the 11:30 a.m. program.
A Q&A will also be held after the program ends.
This annual program spotlights the many stories of triumph, courage, perseverance, and humanity that emerged from the Holocaust. KCP, formerly the Kristallnacht Film Forum, is a signature event that promotes Holocaust education and awareness and raises scholarships for local students to participate in the March of the Living.
KCP Events Chair Stacey Pollack Synder and Living Southern Region Co-Chairs Phyllis Guttman and Deborah Rudman welcome the community to enjoy this meaningful program commemorating Kristallnacht. Masu.
“This program is critical for local students who may never again have the unique opportunity to experience the history of Holocaust survivors as told by Holocaust survivors themselves,” Rudman said.
Mr. Gutmann continued, “As we say goodbye to survivors one after another, we are experiencing the gradual loss of our greatest generation. We must cherish and share their stories, and the March of the Living is the most effective way to ensure we never forget.”
The Southern United States March of the Living brings Jewish teens and adults from all over the world to Poland on Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), from Auschwitz to Birkenau, the largest concentration camp constructed at the time. It is an international educational program that marches to the complex. After World War II, he traveled to Israel to celebrate Yom Hazikaron (Israel Veterans Memorial Day) and Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel Independence Day).
To register for the annual Kristallnacht Commemoration Program (KCP), visit jewishboca.org/events/march-of-the-living-kristallnacht-program. For more information, call 561-852-6041 or email mol@bocafed.org.