“Enough is enough” with a ridiculous number of political signs? yes. But the “enough is enough” I want to address is the obnoxious noise pollution that can sometimes be heard in Baileys Harbor from 8am to 10pm. As someone who pays taxes and comes to Baileys Harbor for peace and quiet, the indiscriminate use of programmed music is rude, mean, and unkind to everyone who lives around these businesses . When one business owner was approached to turn down the music, he actually turned up the volume in retaliation. Some owners don’t respond to texts or phone calls, and when you ask them directly, they say they “just happen to not be at work.”
Our town board needs to review its music ordinance and “quiet hour” from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. The town’s owners find the programmed radio channels easy to use, so they don’t address the unpleasant music pollution that the town’s residents are asked to endure. If the owners of these establishments lived next door to their stores, you can bet they would have quiet music or no music at all. Still, they leave and hope others will put up with them.
Tip: Breakfast outdoors is best enjoyed with peace and quiet overlooking the lake, rather than loud, deafening jazz music. It might be helpful for your business to consider this.
Have you had enough? absolutely!
bonnie classy
Monticello, Wisconsin
Baileys Harbor Property Owners