Elder Juan Pablo Villar of the General Authority Seventy spoke during the Saturday afternoon session of October 2024 general conference. They shared that the Savior has the power to defeat their enemies and is willing to help those who reach out to Him overcome their challenges. Below is a summary of what he said.
Summary of Elder Villar’s Talk
As a child, the elder Villar went to the beach with his family and was playing in the water when a wave startled him and pulled him under. Everyone was at a loss until his brother Claudio pulled him out. The elder Villar attempted to jump into the waves a second time, but was rescued the second time by his younger brother.
Claudio then invited the elder Villar to dive with him. “Sure, it wasn’t that easy, but thanks to the help and example my brother showed me, I was able to do it. His hands helped me twice .His example taught me how to meet my own challenges and win the day.”
This experience reveals several teachings about the Savior and His salvation. The Savior has the power to defeat His enemies, He is the perfect example of service, He is ready to save others, and He will not abandon them.
“We are not alone in this world. We must face hardships and trials, but our Heavenly Father knows our abilities and will help us endure them.” , He knows that we can overcome. We must do our part and turn to God in faith. His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, is our Savior and will always be there. .”
notable quotes
“While dying, we are exposed to the attacks of the enemy. … But let’s not forget who has power over those waves, and indeed, over everything. That is our Our Savior is Jesus Christ. God has the power to help us out of every misery and adversity.”
“When we exercise faith in God, God transcends the challenges, weaknesses, and needs of this earthly life and rescues us from our fallen state, giving us the greatest of all gifts: eternal life.” He gives us life.”
“If we want to learn, change, overcome, cope, and succeed in what will bring true and eternal happiness to our lives, our Savior will be there to help us as often as we need. Please.”
Who is Elder Villar?Elder Juan Pablo Villar, General Authority Seventy; |Cody Bell Elder Juan Pablo Villar was sustained as a General Authority Seventy on March 31, 2018. At the time, he was serving as an Area Seventy in the South America South region. After being inspired by his brother’s example, he was baptized. At age 18, he served as a missionary in the Chile Viña del Mar Mission a year later. He met his wife, Sister Carola Cristina Barrios Villar, while hosting a young single adult fireside party. He introduced himself to the recently returned mission president’s daughter, they began a relationship, and they were sealed in the Santiago Chile Temple in 1994.What has Elder Villar done recently?Read more of Elder Villars’ general conference address.