JACKSON, Tenn. — An annual event is returning to downtown Jackson to help a good cause.
The 8th Annual Jacob Barker Music Festival kicked off with the first night of music supporting Make-A-Wish patients. Festival organizer Jacob Barker says his favorite parts of the festival are the music and getting his face painted.
“It makes me so happy to know that other people want to help those in need,” Jacob said.
Ronnie (left) and Jacob Barker talk about the 8th Annual Jacob Barker Festival (10/11/24)
Each year, their goal is to raise $8,000 either through donations, participating in the silent auction, or purchasing barbecue.
“It’s going really well so far and you can feel the smell in the air. It smells great in here, so everyone come down and bring your big barbecue plates,” Jacob said. I did.
Ronnie Barker and his wife both volunteer with Make-A-Wish.
“We don't know until Make-A-Wish contacts us. They contact us and say, ‘We have a wish in your area, would you be willing to sponsor us?’ Sho. That’s why my wife and I actually volunteer to make wishes. There, we will conduct an initial interview and have a party to clarify your wishes. It’s a very unique feeling because we get to sponsor it once a year,” Ronnie said.
In addition to the festival’s fundraiser, guests can walk to a car show and listen to some good music.
“There’s Skylar Anderson, he just came off stage. Next up is Will Barton, and then Kelso Mojo. Her’s is closing tonight, so it’s going to be a fun night full of music. It will be,” Ronnie said.
The Barkers say they appreciate everyone who came out Friday night. The second day of the festival continues on Saturday, starting at 3 p.m.
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